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This course is designed and structured for people of all abilities to learn the art off faux coloured woodgraining look paint techniques and to be comfortable using the paints and glazes used to master them. You will be introduced to acrylic scumble glazes and colourants, which are very easy to use and often, now used in conservation and restoration projects. The online courses have been designed by Simon Nobs, Director of Snobs Interiors Ltd., with over 30 years experience working as a specialist interior decorator and designer. The lessons will begin with a short video outlining the history of some of the different faux woodgraining effects. You will learn how and why these techniques have been used in the past and how they can be used to great effect in all sorts of projects today. You will be given a detailed explanation of the correct use of primers and basecoats to be applied to a variety of surfaces and will then move on to prepare and basecoat the sample boards. Then you will be guided through the different stages used to create a professional looking faux coloured driftwood look woodgraining paint effect, and shown the correct use of varnishes to protect your work. 

The  structure and layout of the course is designed to be easy to follow and is packed with all the information you need to achieve amazing results. You will discover plenty of tips and tricks along the way with videos, slideshows and downloadable data sheets. There will also be a members area for you to trade ideas with fellow students and the opportunity to put any questions related to the course directly to Simon.

Course Details

Faux Coloured Driftwood Look Woodgraining




Woodgraining and its Applications

Video welcome talk - short talk on the art & craft of woodgraining and the ways that they can be adapted to give an aged appearance. Discussing and explaining tools and equipment and alternatives.  Brief description on products and materials.  Showing examples of where and how I've used a variety of faux woodgraining paint effects. 


Tools & Equipment

Downloadable slideshow - brushes, graining tools, kettles/bowls, rags etc. hairdryer, protective wear/apron/gloves.



Downloadable slideshow - practice board, paints, glazes, tints, varnish etc.


Let's get Started

Video talk explaining how to prepare the boards, showing how to mix glazes - 'now you know what you need', watch the time lapse video and go through the tutorial first to familiarise yourself before putting brush to board.


Time lapse video showing entire video from sample board to finished coloured driftwood look, with write up.


Lesson 1

Lesson 2

Lesson 3

Lesson 4


Video, end of course talk, to wrap up the course a talk about what next, other courses, and questions on what you would like to see on the course list.  Thank you


What Next? 

PDF document


More courses -


PDFs - Downloadable information sheets

Suppliers of equipment and materials, with full links and alternative suggestions.

To purchase this course please click through to the shop

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Hythe, Kent, UK

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South Coast Studio is a subsidiary of Snobs Interiors Ltd.

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